Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Home

In our busy lives, we all want to feel better and happier. We look for ways to bring wellness into our minds, bodies, and daily routines. This includes making our homes feel good, too. Feng shui is a way to make our living spaces nicer and more peaceful.

If you’re looking to make your home a happier place, here are some simple feng shui tips for every room. These tips will help make your home feel balanced and full of good vibes.

Entrance Hallway

The entrance of your home is known as the “mouth of qi,” signifying that your front door acts as the main gateway for qi, or the vital life force, to flow into your home and enrich your life. It stands as a crucial focal point in feng shui practices for attracting positive energy.

Entry Checklist

  • Ensure the entrance is well-lit, creating a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Maintain a clutter-free space to allow energy to flow freely without obstructions.
  • Verify that the doorbell works correctly to welcome opportunities and guests without hindrance.
  • Place a healthy plant or a fresh bouquet of flowers near the entry to introduce vitality and growth.
Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Home

Living Area

The living area serves as a communal hub for home residents to enjoy the company of friends and family, acting as one of the more social spaces within a home. The goal is to create an area that feels open and welcoming to all who enter.

Living Room Checklist:

  • Decorate using the colors of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) to foster the specific energies you wish to enhance in your space, such as tranquility, creativity, or vitality.
  • Introduce green houseplants to not only purify the air but also to symbolize and encourage wellness, personal growth, and generosity within the household.
  • Arrange seating such as sofas and chairs in the commanding position, which means facing the door without being directly in line with it, to promote a sense of security and control over your environment.
  • Incorporate soft lighting and candles to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, inviting calm and peaceful energy.
  • Use mirrors strategically to expand the space visually and to double the positive energy in the room, ensuring they reflect beautiful views or aspects of the room.
  • Keep the space clutter-free and organize belongings to maintain a harmonious flow of energy, making the room more inviting and less chaotic.
  • Include artwork or decorative pieces that bring you joy and inspire positivity, personalizing the space to reflect your tastes and interests.
  • Consider the layout carefully, ensuring there is a clear path for energy to circulate around the room, facilitating good conversation and interaction among guests and family members.
  • Soften the room with comfortable textiles and pillows, enhancing the sense of comfort and making the living area a place where relaxation is effortless.

Dining Area

The dining area is a central spot for coming together to share meals and nurture bonds with family and friends. It’s a dedicated time for connection, conversation, and reinforcing relationships. This space symbolizes the nurturing of both our bodies and our connections with others.

Dining Room Checklist:

  • If the dining table serves multiple purposes, such as a workspace or craft area, ensure it is cleared and cleaned before meal times to honor the significance of nourishment.
  • Make it a habit to use the dining table for eating regularly, reinforcing its role as a place of community and inviting deeper connections and friendships into your life.
  • Place fresh flowers on the table to brighten the space and to symbolically refresh and energize your relationships with those in your life.
  • Consider the lighting; soft, warm lighting or a dimmable fixture can create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere conducive to relaxed dining and conversation.
  • Choose chairs that are comfortable and invite long sit-downs, ensuring that guests and family members feel at ease to linger and chat.
  • Incorporate elements of the five feng shui elements to balance the energies in the room, perhaps through the choice of colors, materials, or decorative pieces.

Kitchen Space

In feng shui, the kitchen holds immense significance, symbolizing wealth, abundance, and well-being. The quality of our diet is directly linked to our overall vitality and our ability to thrive in life. Specifically, the stove is seen as a focal point of prosperity and health, its condition and use reflecting our own state of wellness.

Kitchen Checklist:

  • Ensure the stove is always clean and functioning well, as it is a key element in your home’s energy of prosperity and health.
  • Make it a point to use the stove daily, even for simple tasks like boiling water, to maintain a vibrant and active energy flow.
  • Routinely clear out expired or unused items from the refrigerator and pantry to promote freshness and vitality in your meals.
  • Organize your kitchenware and utensils to promote ease of use and efficiency, reflecting a harmonious and abundant space.
  • Introduce plants or herbs to your kitchen to enhance the energy of growth and nourishment.
  • Keep your countertops clean and clutter-free to allow for a smooth flow of energy and to make meal preparation a more enjoyable task.
  • Ensure there is a balance between the elements of fire (stove) and water (sink, refrigerator) to maintain harmony in the kitchen’s energy.
  • Celebrate the act of cooking and eating by displaying beautiful bowls, dishes, or a vase of flowers, making the kitchen a space of joy and abundance.


The bedroom, being a deeply personal space, is an excellent starting point for integrating feng shui principles into your home. Bedroom is a reflection of the individual who sleeps there, and since a significant amount of time is spent sleeping, making feng shui adjustments here can be both swift and profound in their impact.

Bedroom Checklist:

  • Ensure the bed is positioned in the commanding spot, allowing a clear view of the door without being directly in line with it. If this setup isn’t possible, seek ways to adjust the positioning for better energy flow.
  • Eliminate all storage and clutter from beneath the bed to foster unobstructed circulation of qi and air, supporting a restful and rejuvenating sleep environment.
  • Confirm that your bed has a solid headboard securely fastened to the frame, symbolizing support and stability in life.
  • Choose calming colors for your bedroom walls and bedding to promote relaxation and peace, enhancing the quality of your sleep.
  • Introduce soft, ambient lighting to create a serene atmosphere, utilizing dimmer switches or lamps with warm-toned bulbs.
  • Keep electronic devices to a minimum or out of the bedroom altogether to reduce distractions and electromagnetic energy that may disturb sleep.
  • Place pairs of objects, such as pillows or nightstands, to promote harmony and balance in relationships.
  • Incorporate natural materials in your decor, like wood or linen, to enhance the room’s grounding and comforting energy.
  • Consider the use of essential oils or a diffuser with lavender or chamomile scents to further enhance relaxation and sleep quality.


The bathroom, abundant in the water element, holds the potential for the symbolic draining of wealth and vitality. However, with mindful care and feng shui practices, it can be transformed into a restorative retreat that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation.

Bathroom Checklist:

  • Position a thriving green houseplant atop the toilet to counterbalance the downward flow of water energy with the upward growth and vitality of the plant, harnessing water’s nourishing properties for positive energy.
  • Always close the toilet lid when not in use to prevent the symbolic escape of energy and resources.
  • Maintain clean and streak-free mirrors to ensure they reflect with precision and clarity, amplifying positive energy.
  • Organize toiletries and personal items neatly, minimizing clutter to maintain a serene and harmonious space.
  • Incorporate natural elements, such as wood or stone, in accessories or decor to balance the water element and add a sense of grounding.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation and fresh air to circulate energy and maintain a fresh environment.
  • Use scented candles or essential oil diffusers with relaxing aromas like lavender or eucalyptus to enhance the sensory experience and promote relaxation.
  • Install hooks or racks to keep towels and robes within easy reach, adding to the convenience and spa-like feel of the space.
  • Consider the use of a water-filtration system for the shower to emulate the purifying experience of natural, clean water, further enhancing the spa ambiance.
  • Adopt a practice of regular cleansing rituals in this space, not just physically but also symbolically, to release old energies and welcome renewal and purification.

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