Evidensia is the largest provider of animal health services in Finland, formed in 2015 through the merger of Univet and Animagi. With over 700 veterinary professionals, EVIDENSIA ANIMAL HEALTH SERVICES operates in more than 50 locations from Helsinki to Rovaniemi. Alongside maintaining high-quality clinical work, Evidensia strives to deliver the best possible customer experience. Sini Haverinen was chosen to design and furnish the customer spaces of over 50 veterinary clinics and hospitals, as well as the headquarters’ office space.

“The quality of our services is of paramount importance, and the role of our facilities in shaping the customer experience cannot be overstated. We want our veterinary clinics to be functional and inviting for both the customers and their beloved pets. The spaces should convey a message of quality and care to our customers right from the first encounter,” explains Kaisa Barkman, shedding light on Evidensia’s decision to invest in space design and customer comfort.

Upon entering Evidensia, customers are greeted by a refreshing environment that takes into account both their comfort and that of their pets. Thoughtfully placed furnishings, along with the brand’s color scheme, contribute to a pleasant atmosphere. Large animal images and photos of furry patients on the walls create a sense of coziness and emphasize the importance of pets to the Evidensia team.

“When conceptualizing the spaces, our main focus was on how the customer areas would practically support animal care and the kind of ambiance they would create. Sini Haverinen brilliantly combined these two aspects. As a pet owner herself, Sini took into account the elements that enhance the customer’s experience with their pet. For example, many of our locations have separate waiting areas for cats and dogs. These waiting areas offer ample space and distinct sections for customers who wish to have some privacy with their unwell pets. The spaces effectively communicate the care provided and the range of services and products available at the veterinary clinic. While waiting, the owners can find tips on pet care displayed on the walls. Cleverly placed room numbers and animal-related signage are positioned at eye level for the pets. Pets are undeniably important and welcome to us!”

Evidensia’s locations are spread across Finland, and due to the project’s tight schedule, the designer did not have the opportunity to visit all the sites in person. Therefore, Evidensia and Sini collaborated to develop an efficient concept that facilitated remote design.

“Designing 50 locations was a massive undertaking, and the schedules were often demanding, but Sini managed to adhere to them. Their expertise is evident in how well they designed the spaces based on floor plans and photographs.”

“Our collaboration has been invaluable to us. Our staff appreciates not only the comfort and functionality of the spaces but also their practicality, such as the consideration of hygiene and cleanliness required in a veterinary clinic when choosing materials and colors. Our customers have also been delighted with the refreshed spaces. Sini has a knack for finding solutions to various challenges, such as furniture and lighting. However, what I value the most about Sini is her authentic expertise. She dares to challenge the customer’s perspectives based on her vast experience. It reflects a genuine partnership and competence,” summarizes Barkman, highlighting the best aspects of their collaboration.

Case Evidensia
Case Evidensia
Case Evidensia


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