Case Oral dental care

Oral Dental Clinics is the leading chain of dental service providers in Finland. With 46 locations spanning from Helsinki to Rovaniemi, Oral offers comprehensive oral health services under one roof. In 2009, Oral underwent a brand revitalization, and as part of this process, both existing and future branches were envisioned as fresh and comfortable modern dental centers. Taking on the responsibility for this transformation was Sini Haverinen, the lead designer at Visual Design Finland (VDF) Oy.

“Over the years, I have developed complete trust in Sini, and that encompasses all aspects,” praises Jaana Syväoja, the procurement manager responsible for Oral’s premises. “Sini possesses incredible expertise in space planning. She comes in and, within half an hour, notices ten things that none of us had even considered. In addition to their fresh appearance, our spaces are highly functional, and that credit goes to Sini Haverinen. The icing on the cake is the acoustic panels designed for our Kampin location, which many admire and praise.”

Oral is at the forefront of the industry and constantly undergoing a development process. In spring 2016, Oral became the first player in the industry to introduce the OmaOral service, which facilitates customer access to oral health care, as well as managing their treatment history and plans. Booking appointments conveniently happens at the customer’s preferred time.

“Oral is continuously changing and evolving, and Sini changes along with us. Our latest premises no longer look the same as the ones designed in 2009. Sini does not confine herself to rigid patterns; she has the ability to constantly innovate while preserving Oral’s brand and identity.”

Having worked in the dental industry since the early 1990s, Syväoja knows what she’s talking about. The industry comprises various types of operators, and traditional single or dual dentist practices are often characterized by a certain homeliness. For Oral, the customer and the customer’s experience of dental care are paramount. In addition to providing Finland’s most comprehensive dental services, Oral aims to offer a positive experience in all aspects for its customers.

“I could never learn to see things the way Sini does in her designs. She quickly grasps concepts and is highly creative. What sets Sini apart, in addition to her reliability, is that she genuinely prioritizes the customer’s interests over her own. She has always sought the best solutions for us. Moreover, our collaboration has been extremely flexible. There have been instances of acute situations, and Sini has reacted promptly and genuinely been there for us.” Syväoja emphasizes how enjoyable it has been to work with the VDF team. The collaboration between Oral and VDF will continue in the future.

Case Oral dental clinics

Oral Dental Clinics

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