case soukan huolto

Soukan Huolto is a property maintenance company primarily operating in Espoo, employing over 70 people and providing property maintenance services for over 200 housing cooperatives. The former office premises, which were about twenty years old, had reached the end of their lifespan. CEO Mika Vehmaa was impressed by the offices designed by VDF elsewhere and requested designer Sini Haverinen to create modern and functional premises for Soukan Huolto.

The previous premises had a strong 80s-90s atmosphere with small enclosed rooms and melamine-coated furniture. The staff had to pass through an opening between reception desks to access the office spaces.

VDF developed a new interior and space design plan based on clear and fresh colors, improved mobility with glass partitions, and enhanced functionality of the reception area.

The new premises exude a warm and fresh atmosphere. Beautiful tree branch patterns adorn the background walls, and green sofas and chairs bring color and liveliness to the space. The introduction of glass doors and removal of dividing walls have increased brightness, and now the space is divided by beautiful translucent curtains. The highlight of the break room is the refreshing green interior ceiling, a bold yet unique and mood-enhancing solution.

The staff and customers have praised the new premises extensively. The increased brightness, modern appearance, and improved functionality have had an unequivocally positive impact on work satisfaction, especially during the dark winter months. There is no longer any imagination of returning to the old space.

 Soukan Huolto - interior design by Sini Haverinen
 Soukan Huolto - interior design by Sini Haverinen
 Soukan Huolto - interior design by Sini Haverinen
 Soukan Huolto - interior design by Sini Haverinen
 Soukan Huolto - interior design by Sini Haverinen

Soukan huolto is now Braleva

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